
产品 951 到 1000 共 2783个

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  1. OT-R antagonist 1

    Catalog No. A21216
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    OT-R antagonist
    OT-R antagonist 1 is a new potent and selective nonpeptide low molecular weight OT-R antagonist. 了解更多
  2. MK-5046

    Catalog No. A21214
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    BRS-3 agonist
    MK-5046 is a novel BRS-3 agonist, binds to BRS-3 with high affinity (mouse Ki = 1.6 nM, human Ki = 25 nM). 了解更多
  3. AC-55541

    Catalog No. A21211
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    PAR2 agonist
    AC-55541 is a highly selective protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) agonist (pEC50=6.7), displays no activity at other PAR subtypes or at over 30 other receptors involved in nociception and inflammation. 了解更多
  4. RAD140

    Catalog No. A21205
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    androgen receptor modulator
    RAD140 is a potent, orally bioavailable, nonsteroidal selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). 了解更多
  5. BRD9539

    Catalog No. A21201
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    EHMT2 inhibitor
    BRD9539 is an inhibitor of euchromatin histone methyltransferase 2 (EHMT2), also known as G9a, with an IC50 value of 6.3 ?M. 了解更多
  6. Zonampanel

    Catalog No. A21199
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    glutamate receptor subtype antagonist
    Zonampanel (YM 872) is a selective antagonist of the glutamate receptor subtype, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) receptor. 了解更多
  7. Velneperit

    Catalog No. A21190
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    NPY Y5 receptor antagonist
    Velneperit (S-2367) is a novel neuropeptide Y (NPY) Y5 receptor antagonist. 了解更多
  8. NB001

    Catalog No. A21185
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    AC1 inhibitor
    NB001 (HTS 09836) is an adenylcyclase 1 (AC1) inhibitor which has effect on neural and non-neural pain by modulating AC1 activity. 了解更多
  9. (R)-Elagolix

    Catalog No. A21184
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    GnRHR antagonist
    Elagolix is a highly potent, selective, orally-active, short-duration, non-peptide antagonist of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR) (KD = 54 pM). 了解更多
  10. IPA-3

    Catalog No. A21182
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    PAK1 inhibitor
    IPA-3 is a selective non-ATP competitive PAK1 inhibitor with IC50 of 2.5 μM, and shows no inhibition to group II PAKs (PAKs 4-6). 了解更多
  11. Inolitazone

    Catalog No. A21180
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    PPARγ agonist
    Inolitazone a novel high-affinity PPARγ agonist that is dependent upon PPARγ for its biological activity with IC50 of 0.8 nM for growth inhibition. 了解更多
  12. MK-0429

    Catalog No. A21173
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    αvβ3 integrin antagonist
    MK-0429 (L-000845704) is an orally active, potent, selective and nonpeptide αvβ3 integrin antagonist with an IC50 of 80 nM. 了解更多
  13. BMS-906024

    Catalog No. A21172
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    gamma secretase inhibitor
    BMS-906024 is an oral and selective gamma secretase inhibitor (GSI) that is a small molecule Notch inhibitor. 了解更多
  14. DL-O-Phosphoserine

    Catalog No. A21155
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    DL-O-Phosphoserine, a normal metabolite in human biofluid, is an ester of serine and phosphoric acid. 了解更多
  15. Phenoxodiol

    Catalog No. A21147
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    Phenoxodiol, a synthetic analog of Genestein, activates the mitochondrial caspase system, inhibits XIAP (an apoptosis inhibitor), and sensitizes the cancer cells to Fas-mediated apoptosis. 了解更多
  16. Alfacalcidol-D6

    Catalog No. A21142
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    VDR activator
    Alfacalcidol-D6, a deuterated Alfacalcidol (1-hydroxycholecalciferol; Alpha D3; 1.alpha.-Hydroxyvitamin D3), is a non-selective VDR activator medication. 了解更多
  17. Merimepodib

    Catalog No. A21139
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    IMPDH inhibitor
    Merimepodib is a noncompetitive and oral inhibitor of inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) with broad spectrum antiviral activities. 了解更多
  18. (R)-1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-3-isoquinolinecarboxylic acid

    Catalog No. A21136
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    (R)-1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-3-isoquinolinecarboxylic acid is a constrained Phe analogue which can fold into a beta-bend and a helical structure, and to adopt a preferred side-chain disposition in the peptide. 了解更多
  19. Ropidoxuridine

    Catalog No. A21128
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    Ropidoxuridine (IPdR) is a novel orally available, halogenated thymidine analog and is a potential radiosensitizer for use in human tumors. 了解更多
  20. Givinostat

    Catalog No. A21126
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    HDAC inhibitor
    Givinostat (ITF-2357) is a HDAC inhibitor with an IC50 of 198 and 157 nM for HDAC1 and HDAC3, respectively. 了解更多
  21. Roquinimex

    Catalog No. A21125
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    Roquinimex (Linomide; PNU212616; ABR212616) is a quinoline derivative immunostimulant which increases NK cell activity and macrophage cytotoxicity; inhibits angiogenesis and reduces the secretion of TNF alpha. 了解更多
  22. Lagociclovir

    Catalog No. A21123
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    against HBV activity
    Lagociclovir(MIV-210) is a prodrug of 3'-fluoro-2',3'-dideoxyguanosine with high oral bioavailability in humans and potent activity against HBV. 了解更多
  23. 6-FAM SE

    Catalog No. A21122
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    6-FAM SE is another isomer of carboxyfluorescein. 6-FAM, SE is mainly used in sequencing of nucleic acids and labeling nucleotides. 了解更多
  24. 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein

    Catalog No. A21120
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    5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein contains a carboxylic acid that can be used to react with primary amines via carbodiimide activation of the carboxylic acid; cell-impermeant 5,6-FAM can also be used as a nonfixable polar tracer to investigate fusion, lysis and gap-junctional communication and to detect changes in cell or liposome volume. 了解更多
  25. 5(6)-FITC

    Catalog No. A21116
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    5(6)-FITC (Fluorescein 5(6)-isothiocyanate) is an amine-reactive derivative of fluorescein dye that has wide-ranging applications as a label for antibodies and other probes, for use in fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry and immunofluorescence-based assays such as Western blotting and ELISA. 了解更多
  26. 6-TAMRA

    Catalog No. A21109
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    6-TAMRA has been a widely used fluorophore for preparing bioconjugates, especially fluorescent antibody and avidin derivatives used in immunochemistry. 了解更多
  27. Novaluron

    Catalog No. A21106
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    Novaluron is a chemical with pesticide properties, belonging to the class of insecticides called insect growth regulators. 了解更多
  28. GLPG0492

    Catalog No. A21105
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    androgen receptor modulator
    GLPG0492 is a novel selective androgen receptor modulator; exhibited anabolic activity on muscle, strongly dissociated from the androgenic activity on prostate after oral dosing. 了解更多
  29. Centanafadine

    Catalog No. A21099
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    dual NE/DA transporter inhibitor
    Centanafadine is dual norepinephrine (NE)/dopamine (DA) transporter inhibitor, also inhibits serotonin transporter, with IC50s of 6 nM, 38 nM and 83 nM for human NE, DA and serotonin transporter , respectively. 了解更多
  30. Meptyldinocap

    Catalog No. A21093
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    Meptyldinocap (2,4-DNOPC) is a novel powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator) fungicide which shows protectant and post-infective activities. 了解更多
  31. Athidathion

    Catalog No. A21090
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    Athidathion(GS-13006) is an organophosphate insecticide. 了解更多
  32. Mc-MMAE

    Catalog No. A21089
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    tubulin inhibitor
    Mc-MMAE is a protective group (maleimidocaproyl)-conjugated monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE), which is a potent tubulin inhibitor. Mc-MMAE is a drug-linker conjugate for ADC. 了解更多
  33. Solenopsin

    Catalog No. A21087
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    ATP-competitive AKT inhibitor
    Solenopsin is an ATP-competitive AKT inhibitor with IC50 value of 10 μM . 了解更多
  34. Gepotidacin

    Catalog No. A21086
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    topoisomerase II inhibitor
    Gepotidacin (GSK2140944) is a novel triazaacenaphthylene bacterial type II topoisomerase inhibitor. 了解更多
  35. Benoxafos

    Catalog No. A21085
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    Benoxafos (HOE 2910) is an insecticide. 了解更多
  36. Squalamine lactate

    Catalog No. A21076
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    Squalamine lactate is an aminosterol compound discovered in the tissues of the dogfish shark, with antimicrobial activity, and used for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration. 了解更多
  37. Cyhalofop

    Catalog No. A21075
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    Cyhalofop(Cyhalofop acid) is a recently registered herbicide from the aryloxyphenoxy propionate group in India to control a wide range of grass weed species at various growth stages in rice crop. 了解更多
  38. Ralinepag

    Catalog No. A21073
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    IP receptor agonist
    Ralinepag is a potent, orally bioavailable and non-prostanoid prostacyclin (IP) receptor agonist, with EC50s of 8.5 nM, 530 nM and 850 nM for human and rat IP receptor and human DP1 receptor, respectively. 了解更多
  39. VBY-825

    Catalog No. A21069
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    cathepsin inhibitor
    VBY-825 is a novel, reversible cathepsin inhibitor with high potency against cathepsins B, L, S and V. 了解更多
  40. Ridinilazole

    Catalog No. A21068
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    Ridinilazole is a novel antibacterial with MICs range of 0.06-0.25??g/mL (MIC90=8??g/mL) against C.?difficile. 了解更多
  41. Haloxon

    Catalog No. A21067
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    Haloxon is an organophosphorus anthelmintic once used against nematodes of the abomasum and small intestine in ruminants. 了解更多
  42. N6-(4-Hydroxybenzyl)adenosine

    Catalog No. A21066
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    platelet aggregation inhibitor
    N6-(4-Hydroxybenzyl)adenosine is a inhibitor of platelet aggregation induced in vitro by collagen and their activity range was demonstrated (IC50: 6.77-141 μM). 了解更多
  43. Chromafenozide

    Catalog No. A21065
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    Chromafenozide (ANS118) is a lepidopteran insecticide; it is highly effective in controlling various lepidopteran pests. 了解更多
  44. Lisinopril

    Catalog No. A21064
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    angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
    Lisinopril (MK-521) is angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, used in treatment of hypertension, congestive heart failure, and heart attacks. 了解更多
  45. Artefenomel

    Catalog No. A21050
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    Artefenomel (OZ439) is a synthetic antimalarial agent with the artemisinin pharmacophore. Artefenomel (OZ439) is a long-acting artemisinin-related agent. 了解更多
  46. Azimilide

    Catalog No. A20944
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    class III antiarrhythmic compound
    Azimilide(NE-10064) is a class III antiarrhythmic compound, inhibits I(Ks) and I(Kr) in guinea-pig cardiac myocytes and I(Ks) (minK) channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. 了解更多
  47. Carboxyamidotriazole

    Catalog No. A20940
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    non-voltage dependent calcium channel blocker
    Carboxyamidotriazole (L 651582) is a blocker of non-voltage dependent calcium channel. 了解更多
  48. K-Ras G12C-IN-1

    Catalog No. A20937
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    K-ras G12C inhibitor
    K-Ras G12C-IN-1 is a novel and irreversible inhibitor of mutant K-ras G12C extracted from patent WO 2014152588 A1. 了解更多
  49. ITX3

    Catalog No. A20934
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    TrioN inhibitor
    ITX3 is a specific and nontoxic inhibitor of the TrioN (N-terminal GEF domain of the multidomain Trio protein) with IC50 of 76 uM; inhibits TrioN-stimulated RhoG exchange in vitro. 了解更多
  50. Dihexa

    Catalog No. A20933
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    Dihexa, an oligopeptide drug, is an orally active and blood-brain barrier-permeable angiotensin IV analog. 了解更多

产品 951 到 1000 共 2783个

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