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  1. L-APB

    Catalog No. A21872
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    mGluRs M3 agonist
    L-APB is a potent and specific agonist for the group III mGluRs, with EC50s of 0.13, 0.29, 1.0, 249 μM for mGlu4, mGlu8, mGlu6 and mGlu7 receptors, respectively. 了解更多
  2. O-Phospho-L-serine

    Catalog No. A21159
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    group III mGluR receptors agonist
    O-Phospho-L-serine is the immediate precursor to L-serine in the serine synthesis pathway, and an agonist at the group III mGluR receptors (mGluR4, mGluR6, mGluR7, and mGluR8); O-Phospho-L-serine also acts as a weak antagonist for mGluR1 and a potent antagonist for mGluR2. 了解更多
  3. PSN632408

    Catalog No. A20902
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    GPR119 receptors agonist
    PSN632408 is an optimized agonist of GPR119 receptors that shows similar potency to OEA at both recombinant mouse and human GPR119 receptors, exhibiting EC50 values of 5.6 and 7.9 uM, respectively. 了解更多
  4. RU 24969

    Catalog No. A20857
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    5-HT1A/5-HT1B receptors agonist
    RU 24969 is a selective agonist at the 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors. 了解更多
  5. Carbetocin

    Catalog No. A18080
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    peripheral oxytocin receptors agonist
    Carbetocin (Lonactene; Duratocin) is an obstetric drug used to control postpartum hemorrhage and bleeding after giving birth; an agonist at peripheral oxytocin receptors. 了解更多
  6. Donitriptan

    Catalog No. A13145
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    5-HT1B/1D receptors agonist
    Donitriptan is a potent, high efficacy agonist at 5-HT1B/1D receptors with pKis of 9.4 and 9.3, respectively. 了解更多
  7. DPI-3290

    Catalog No. A13699
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    opioid receptors agonist
    DPI-3290 (Org 41793) is a potent and specific opioid receptors agonist with Ki values of 0.18 nM, 0.46 nM, and 0.62 nM for δ-, μ-, and κ-opioid receptors, respectively. 了解更多
  8. NMI 8739

    Catalog No. A12334
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    dopamine D2 autoreceptor agonist
    NMI 8739 is a dopamine D2 autoreceptor agonist, which is an amine conjugate of the DHA carrier and the neurotransmitter dopamine. 了解更多
  9. E1R

    Catalog No. A18825
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    sigma-1 receptors modulator
    E1R is a novel positive allosteric modulator of sigma-1 receptors. 了解更多
  10. MHP 133

    Catalog No. A20058
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    AChE /M1/M2/5HT4/I2 inhibitor
    MHP 133 is a drug with multiple CNS targets, and inhibits acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with Ki of 69 μM; also active against muscarinic M1 and M2 receptors, serotonin 5HT4 receptors, and imidazole I2 receptors. 了解更多
  11. VPC 23019

    Catalog No. A20102
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    S1P antagonist
    VPC 23019, an aryl amide-containing Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) analog, is a competitive antagonist at the S1P1 and S1P3 receptors (pKi= 7.86 and 5.93, respectively) and an agonist at the S1P4 and S1P5 receptors (pEC50= 6.58 and 7.07, respectively). 了解更多
  12. Anisodamine

    Catalog No. A18215
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    alpha-1 adrenergic receptors / mAChRs inhibitor
    Anisodamine is an inhibitor of alpha-1 adrenergic receptors and mAChRs isolated from Chinese solanacea plant. 了解更多
  13. Nefazodone hydrochloride

    Catalog No. A17622
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    5-HT2 receptors inhibitor
    Nefazodone HCl is an inhibitor of 5-HT2 receptors, SERT, NET, and hERG K+ channels used to treat mood disorders. It decreases immobility time in the forced swim test. 了解更多
  14. Urapidil

    Catalog No. A17074
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    α1 adrenoreceptor 拮抗剂
    Urapidil是一种α1肾上腺素受体拮抗剂和5-HT1A受体激动剂。 了解更多
  15. Proxyphylline

    Catalog No. A16821
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    A1 adenosine receptors 拮抗剂
    Proxyphylline是茶碱的衍生物,由于其心血管特性而被用作支气管扩张剂。它与A2腺苷受体(对于血小板,Ki = 850μM)选择性拮抗A1腺苷受体(对于牛脑,Ki = 82 nM)。 了解更多
  16. Vilanterol

    Catalog No. A13125
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    ultra-long-acting β? adrenoreceptor 激动剂
    Vilanterol是一种新的选择性β2-AR激动剂,PEC50值为10.37±0.05。 了解更多
  17. Acebutolol HCl

    Catalog No. A16387
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    β-adrenergic receptors 拮抗剂
    Acebutolol HCl是一种β-肾上腺素能受体拮抗剂,用于治疗高血压,心绞痛和心律不齐。 了解更多
  18. VU 0364770

    Catalog No. A12139
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    mGlu4 receptors modulator
    VU 0364770是mGlu4受体的正变构调节剂,在表达mGlu4的HEK 293细胞中EC50值为290 nM。 了解更多
  19. Ketanserin tartrate

    Catalog No. A13664
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    5HT2A 拮抗剂
    Ketanserin tartrate是一种选择性的5-HT receptor拮抗剂。Ketanserin tartrate 也抑制 hERG 电流 (IhERG),IC50 为 0.11 μM。 了解更多
  20. Cimaterol

    Catalog No. A13401
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    β-adrenergic receptors 激动剂
    Cimaterol是β的有效激动剂;肾上腺素能受体(人β的pEC50 = 8.13、8.78和6.62;1β,2β和3β)。 了解更多
  21. BRL 37344 Na Salt

    Catalog No. A13676
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    β3-adrenergic receptors 激动剂
    BRL 37344 Na Salt是具有脂解活性的β3-AR(β3-肾上腺素能受体)选择性激动剂。 了解更多
  22. Labetalol HCl

    Catalog No. A14239
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    alpha1/beta adrenergic receptors 拮抗剂
    Labetalol HCl是选择性α1-肾上腺素能受体和非选择性β-肾上腺素能受体的双重拮抗剂。 了解更多
  23. CVT 6883

    Catalog No. A13745
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    adenosine A2B receptors 拮抗剂
    CVT-6883是一种选择性的A2B腺苷拮抗剂,代表了一种治疗心肺疾病的新型潜在方法。 了解更多
  24. JNJ7777120

    Catalog No. A12713
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    Histamine 拮抗剂
    JNJ7777120是有效的,选择性的非咪唑histamine H4 receptor拮抗剂。 了解更多
  25. VU 0361737

    Catalog No. A12467
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    mGlu4 receptors modulator
    VU 0361737是mGluR-4的选择性正变构调节剂(人和大鼠受体的EC50值分别为240和110 nM)。 了解更多
  26. Bisoprolol

    Catalog No. A13406
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    Bisoprolol是心脏选择性β1-adrenergic receptor阻滞剂,用于阻止心肌梗死、心力衰竭、心绞痛和轻中度高血压。 了解更多
  27. Ondansetron HCl (GR 38032F)

    Catalog No. A10674
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    5-HT Receptors 拮抗剂
    Ondansetron HCl (GR 38032F)是5-羟色胺5-HT3受体拮抗剂,主要用作止吐药,通常在化疗后用于治疗恶心和呕吐。 了解更多
  28. Anamorelin

    Catalog No. A12346
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    Anamorelin是一种新型 ghrelin receptor激动剂,FLIPR 检测中,EC50 为 0.74 nM,用于治疗与恶病质/厌食症相关的非小肺癌。 了解更多
  29. BRL 52537 HCl

    Catalog No. A11210
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    Opioid Receptors 激动剂
    BRL 52537 hydrochloride是一种高度选择性和有效的κ阿片类激动剂(Ki = 0.24 nM)。比吗啡强25倍。 了解更多
  30. A2A receptor antagonist 1

    Catalog No. A12567
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    adenosine A2A/A1 receptor antagonist
    A2A receptor antagonist 1 (CPI-444 analog) is an antagonist of both adenosine A2A receptor and A1 receptor with Kis of 4 and 264 nM, respectively. 了解更多
  31. Sigma-1 receptor antagonist 2

    Catalog No. A18504
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    sigma 1 receptor antagonist
    Sigma-1 receptor antagonist 2 is a potent and selective sigma 1 receptor (??1 R) antagonist with Kis of 3.88 and 1288 nM for ??1 and ??2 receptor, respectively. 了解更多
  32. Sigma-1 receptor antagonist 3

    Catalog No. A18501
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    Sigma-1 receptor antagonist
    Sigma-1 receptor antagonist 3 (compound135) is a potent and selective Sigma-1 (??1) receptor antagonist with a Ki of 1.14 nM. 了解更多
  33. H4 Receptor antagonist 1

    Catalog No. A18929
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    histamine H4 receptor inverse agonist
    H4 Receptor antagonist 1 is a potent and selective histamine H4 receptor inverse agonist, with an IC50 of 19 nM. 了解更多
  34. Orexin 2 Receptor Agonist

    Catalog No. A15982
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    Orexin 2 receptor 激动剂
    Orexin 2 Receptor Agonist一种有效的选择性Orexin2受体激动剂。 了解更多
  35. TGR5-Receptor-Agonist

    Catalog No. A13732
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    TGR5(GPCR19) 激动剂
    TGR5 Receptor Agonist是一种有效的TGR5(GPCR19)激动剂,在U2-OS细胞分析(pEC50 = 6.8)和黑素细胞(pEC50 = 7.5)中显示出增强的效力。 了解更多
  36. Pardoprunox hydrochloride

    Catalog No. A21624
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    partial dopamine D2 and D3 receptor agonist
    Pardoprunox hydrochloride is a novel partial dopamine D2 and D3 receptor agonist and serotonin 5-HT1A receptor agonist, D2 (pKi = 8.1) and D3 receptor (pKi = 8.6) partial agonist and 5-HT1A receptor (pKi = 8.5) full agonist. 了解更多
  37. Tonapofylline

    Catalog No. A21328
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    adenosine A1 receptor antagonist
    Tonapofylline (BG 9928) is an orally active and selective adenosine A1 receptor antagonist with a Ki of 7.4 nM for human adenosine A1 receptor (hA1), which displays 915-fold selectivity versus human adenosine A2A receptor and 12-fold selectivity versus human adenosine A2B receptor and is used in development for the treatment of heart failure. 了解更多
  38. NRA-0160

    Catalog No. A20128
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    Dopamine D4 receptor antagonist
    NRA-0160 is a selective dopamine D4 receptor antagonist, with a Ki value of 0.48 nM and with negligible affinity for dopamine D2 receptor (Ki: >10000 nM), D3 receptor (Ki: 39 nM), rat 5-HT2A receptor (Ki: 180 nM) and rat α1 adrenoceptor (Ki: 237 nM). 了解更多
  39. CJ-42794

    Catalog No. A21948
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    EP4 antagonist
    CJ-42794 is a selective prostaglandin E receptor subtype 4 (EP4) antagonist, inhibits [3H]-PGE2 binding to the human EP4 receptor with a mean pKi of 8.5, a binding affinity that was at least 200-fold more selective for the human EP4 receptor than other human EP receptor subtypes (EP1, EP2, and EP3). 了解更多
  40. Risperidone hydrochloride

    Catalog No. A21458
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    dopamine D2 receptor antagonist
    Risperidone hydrochloride is a serotonin 5-HT2 receptor blocker and a potent dopamine D2 receptor antagonist, with Kis of 0.16, 1.4 nM for 5-HT2 and D2 receptor, respectively. 了解更多
  41. L-371,257

    Catalog No. A21219
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    oxytocin receptor antagonist
    L-371,257 is an orally bioavailable, non-blood-brain barrier penetrant, selective and competitive antagonist of oxytocin receptor (pA2=8.4) with high affinity at both the oxytocin receptor (Ki=19 nM) and vasopressin V1a receptor (Ki=3.7 nM). 了解更多
  42. Cutamesine

    Catalog No. A21152
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    sigma 1 receptor agonist
    Cutamesine (SA4503; AGY-94806) is a selective sigma 1 receptor(??1R) agonist; high affinity for the sigma 1 receptor subtype labeled by (+)-[3H]pentazocine (IC50= 17.4??1.9 nM); 100-fold less affinity for the sigma 2 receptor. 了解更多
  43. Pipamperone

    Catalog No. A12621
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    D2 receptor antagonist
    Pipamperone (Floropipamide; McN-JR 3345; R 3345) is a high-affinity antagonist of 5-HT2A receptor (pKi=8.2) and D4 receptor (pKi=8.0) and a low-affinity antagonist of D2 receptor (pKi=6.7). 了解更多
  44. Nemorexant

    Catalog No. A12685
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    Orexin receptor antagonist
    Nemorexant (ACT-541468) is a potent orexin receptor antagonist extracted from patent WO2015083094A1, compound example 7, has IC50s of 2 nM and 3 nM for Ox1 receptor and Ox2 receptor, respectively. 了解更多
  45. Cariprazine

    Catalog No. A21202
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    D3 receptor and D2 receptor partial agonist
    Cariprazine is a novel antipsychotic drug candidate that exhibits high affinity for the D3 (Ki=0.085 nM) and D2 (Ki=0.49 nM) receptors, and moderate affinity for the 5-HT1A receptor (Ki=2.6 nM). 了解更多
  46. Dihydrexidine

    Catalog No. A21949
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    D1-like dopamine receptor (D1/D5) agonist
    Dihydrexidine (DAR-0100) is a high potent, selective and full efficacy D1-like dopamine receptor (D1/D5) agonist with an IC50 of 10 nM for D1 receptor. Dihydrexidine exhibits potent antiparkinsonian activity. 了解更多
  47. JNJ-37822681 dihydrochloride

    Catalog No. A21470
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    dopamine D2 receptor antagonist
    JNJ-37822681 dihydrochloride is a potent, specific, centrally active, fast-dissociating dopamine D2 receptor antagonist with a moderate binding affinity for the dopamine D2L receptor (Ki =158 nM), which has potential for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. 了解更多
  48. Risperidone mesylate

    Catalog No. A21463
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    dopamine D2 receptor antagonist
    Risperidone mesylate(R 64 766 mesylate) is a serotonin 5-HT2 receptor blocker(Ki= 0.16 nM) and a potent dopamine D2 receptor antagonist(Ki= 1.4 nM). 了解更多
  49. Masupirdine mesylate

    Catalog No. A21409
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    5-HT6 receptor antagonist
    Masupirdine mesylate (SUVN-502 mesylate) is a potent, selective, orally bioavailable, and brain penetrant 5-HT6 receptor antagonist (Ki of 2.04 nM for human 5-HT6 receptor). 了解更多
  50. Ditolylguanidine

    Catalog No. A21268
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    Sigma receptor agonist
    Ditolylguanidine (1,3-Di-o-tolylguanidine) is an agonist of sigma receptor (??1/??2 receptor). 了解更多

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