
29 个项目


  1. AWD 131-138

    Catalog No. A13726
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    GABAA receptor 激动剂
    AWD 131-138是一种新的低亲和力的部分苯二氮卓类受体激动剂,在啮齿动物模型中具有强大的抗惊厥和抗焦虑特性。 了解更多
  2. RO 15-3890

    Catalog No. A14349
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    benzodiazepine receptor 拮抗剂
    Ro 15-1788是苯二氮卓受体拮抗剂。 了解更多
  3. Indiplon

    Catalog No. A13769
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    GABAA receptor modulator
    Indiplon是吡唑并嘧啶,可作为GABAA受体的高亲和力正变构调节剂,以剂量依赖和可逆的方式增强GABA活化的氯离子电流。 了解更多
  4. Muscimol hydrobromide

    Catalog No. A13459
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    GABA(A) receptor 激动剂
    Muscimol hydrobromide是抗抑郁药氟西汀的活性代谢产物,可抑制5-羟色胺的摄取,pKi值为7.35.1。诺氟西汀的S-对映体的5-羟色胺再摄取阻断效能比R-对映体高20倍(分别为pKis = 7.86与6.51)。 了解更多
  5. Picrotoxin

    Catalog No. A14004
    GABAA receptor 拮抗剂
    Picrotoxin是GABAA受体拮抗剂。该化合物已显示可增加下丘脑的去甲肾上腺素水平和周转率。 了解更多
  6. Piperazine

    Catalog No. A16171
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    GABA receptor 激动剂
    Piperazine是由六元环组成的有机化合物,该六元环在环的相对位置包含两个氮原子。 了解更多
  7. Lorediplon

    Catalog No. A13449
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    GABAA receptor modulator
    Lorediplon 是一种新型的非苯二氮卓类催眠药,作为GABAA受体调节剂。 了解更多
  8. U-93631

    Catalog No. A16336
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    GABAA receptor ligand
    U-93631是具有新颖化学结构的GABAA受体配体,IC50为100 nM,并且已显示在重组GABAA受体中诱导GABA诱导的全细胞Cl-电流快速,时间依赖性地衰减。 了解更多
  9. Bamaluzole

    Catalog No. A17107
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    GABA receptor 激动剂
    Bamaluzole是GABA受体激动剂。 了解更多
  10. (-)-Securinine

    Catalog No. A17102
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    GABA receptor 拮抗剂
    (-)-Securinine是一种最初从S. suffructicosa分离的生物碱。Securinine是一种特定的GABA受体拮抗剂,已发现在体内具有显着的CNS活性。 了解更多
  11. Cgp 52432

    Catalog No. A17140
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    GABA-A receptor 拮抗剂
    Cgp 52432是GABA-A受体拮抗剂。 了解更多
  12. Afloqualone

    Catalog No. A17276
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    GABA receptor agonist
    Afloqualone, also known as HQ-495, is a centrally acting muscle relaxant. Afloqualone inhibits vestibular nystagmus probably due to both inhibition of selective polysynaptic transmission and enhancement of the effects of GABA and glycine in the lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN), and its GABA-enhancing effect is thought to be attributable to the increased sensitivity of GABA receptors of the LVN neuron site. 了解更多
  13. THIP

    Catalog No. A21738
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    δ-GABAAR agonist
    THIP (Gaboxadol) is a selective δ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor (δ-GABAAR) agonist. 了解更多
  14. Homotaurine

    Catalog No. A17944
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    GABA receptor agonist
    Tramiprosate, also known as homotaurine, is a gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor agonist and a glycosaminoglycan mimetic used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. 了解更多
  15. CGP 36742

    Catalog No. A18666
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    GABAB receptor antagonist
    CGP 36742 is a selective GABAB receptor antagonist that can penetrate the blood?Cbrain barrier after peripheral administration, with an IC50 of 32?μM. CGP 36742 is useful in treatment of depression. 了解更多
  16. CP-409092

    Catalog No. A20152
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    GABAA receptor partial agonist
    CP-409092 is a partial agonist of GABAA receptor, with anti-anxiety activity. 了解更多
  17. RWJ-51204

    Catalog No. A12875
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    partial agonist of GABA(A) receptor
    RWJ-51204 is a partial agonist of GABA(A) receptor, with Ki of 0.2-2 nM to the benzodiazepine site on GABA(A) receptors. 了解更多
  18. MRK-016

    Catalog No. A12046
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    GABAA α5 receptor agonist
    MRK-016 is a selective, orally bioavailable inverse agonist of GABAA α5 receptor, with an EC50 of 3 nM for GABAA α5, and Kis of 0.83, 0.85, 0.77?and 1.4?nM for human?GABAA?α1β3γ2, GABAA?α2β3γ2, GABAA?α3β3γ2, and GABAA?α5β3γ2, respectively; MRK-016 also readily penetrates the CNS. 了解更多
  19. Acamprosate calcium

    Catalog No. A11308
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    GABA receptor agonist
    Acamprosate calcium(Campral EC) is a GABA receptor agonist and modulator of glutamatergic systems; reduces alcohol consumption in animal models of alcohol addiction. 了解更多
  20. (R)-Baclofen

    Catalog No. A16680
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    GABAB receptor agonist
    (R)-Baclofen(STX209) is a selective GABAB receptor agonist. 了解更多
  21. L-655708

    Catalog No. A21181
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    GABAA receptor inverse agonist
    L-655708 is a potent α5 subunit-selective GABAA receptor inverse agonist (Ki = 0.45 nM). 了解更多
  22. CP-409092 hydrochloride

    Catalog No. A21397
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    GABAA receptor partial agonist
    CP-409092 hydrochloride is a partial agonist of GABAA receptor, with anti-anxiety activity. 了解更多
  23. NS11394

    Catalog No. A21425
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    GABA(A) receptor modulator
    NS11394 is a potent and subtype-selective GABA(A) receptor-positive modulator; possesses a functional efficacy selectivity profile of alpha(5) > alpha(3) > alpha(2) > alpha(1) at GABA(A) alpha subunit-containing receptors. 了解更多
  24. SCH 50911

    Catalog No. A21630
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    γ-Aminobutyric acid B GABA(B) receptor antagonist
    SCH 50911, (+)-(S)-5,5-dimethylmorpholinyl-2-acetic acid, a selective, orally-active and competitive γ-Aminobutyric acid B GABA(B) receptor antagonist. 了解更多
  25. Gabazine

    Catalog No. A12627
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    GABAA receptor antagonist
    Gabazine is a selective and competitive antagonist of GABAA receptor, with an IC50 of ~0.2 μM for GABA receptor. 了解更多
  26. U-101017

    Catalog No. A13357
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    Benzodiazepine receptor/GABAA receptor agonist
    U-101017 is a partial agonist of benzodiazepine receptor and GABAA receptor, with anxiolytic effects. 了解更多
  27. 2-Hydroxysaclofen

    Catalog No. A13696
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    GABAB receptors 拮抗剂
    2-Hydroxysaclofen对GABAB受体是一种有效的选择性拮抗剂。 了解更多
  28. Baclofen

    Catalog No. A18248
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    GABA agonist
    Baclofen is a GABA agonist specific for GABA-B receptors. Baclofen is a synthetic chlorophenyl-butanoic acid derivative used to treat spasms due to spinal cord damage and multiple sclerosis, muscle-relaxing It acts at spinal and supraspinal sites, reducing excitatory transmission. 了解更多
  29. Gaboxadol hydrochloride

    Catalog No. A21730
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    GABAA receptors agonist
    Gaboxadol hydrochloride (Lu 02-030 hydrochloride) is a selective agonist at GABAA receptors that contain α4-δ subunits, and has anxiolytic and sedative effects. 了解更多

29 个项目

