
14 个项目


  1. (S)-Willardiine

    Catalog No. A21957
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    AMPA/kainate receptors agonist
    (S)-Willardiine is a potent agonist of AMPA/kainate receptors with EC50 of 44.8 uM. 了解更多
  2. Naspm

    Catalog No. A21919
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    AMPA (CP-AMPA) receptors antagonist
    Naspm (1-Naphthyl acetyl spermine), a synthetic analogue of Joro spider toxin, is a calcium permeable AMPA (CP-AMPA) receptors antagonist. 了解更多
  3. Mibampator

    Catalog No. A21717
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    AMPA receptors potentiator
    Mibampator (LY451395) is a potent and highly selective potentiator of the AMPA receptors. 了解更多
  4. Naspm trihydrochloride

    Catalog No. A21437
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    CP-AMPA receptors antagonist
    Naspm trihydrochloride (1-Naphthylacetyl spermine trihydrochloride), a synthetic analogue of Joro spider toxin, is a calcium permeable AMPA (CP-AMPA) receptors antagonist. 了解更多
  5. PF-4778574

    Catalog No. A21157
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    AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulator
    PF-4778574 is a potent AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulator (PAM) that has been shown to enhance cognition in animal models. 了解更多
  6. SYM2206

    Catalog No. A20843
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    AMPA receptor antagonist
    SYM 2206 is a novel, potent, non-competitive AMPA receptor antagonist. 了解更多
  7. CMPDA

    Catalog No. A21909
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    AMPA receptors positive allosteric modulator
    CMPDA is a positive allosteric modulator of AMPA receptors with EC50s of 45.4 ?? 4.2 nM/63.4 ?? 5.6 nM for GluA2i/GluA2o receptor. 了解更多
  8. PEPA

    Catalog No. A21904
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    AMPA receptors allosteric modulator
    PEPA is an allosteric modulator of AMPA receptors; binds to the GluA2o and GluA3o LBDs and can be utilized as an indicator of AMPA receptor heterogeneity. 了解更多
  9. Talampanel

    Catalog No. A15515
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    AMPA/kainate receptor 拮抗剂
    Talampanel是AMPA受体的非竞争性拮抗剂,具有抗癫痫活性。 了解更多
  10. Farampator

    Catalog No. A13798
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    AMPA receptor modulator
    Farampator是一种AMPA受体正调节剂,它可以改善短期记忆,但会损害情景记忆。 了解更多
  11. IEM 1754 Dihydrobromide

    Catalog No. A14010
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    AMPA Receptor Blocker
    IEM 1754 Dihydrobromide是AMPA受体的电压依赖性明渠阻断剂。 了解更多
  12. DNQX

    Catalog No. A13882
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    NMDA receptor 拮抗剂
    DNQX是一种非N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(非NMDA)受体复合物拮抗剂。 了解更多
  13. NBQX

    Catalog No. A13109
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    AMPA Receptor 拮抗剂
    NBQX是一种有效,选择性和竞争性的AMPA受体拮抗剂。 了解更多
  14. Aniracetam

    Catalog No. A10078
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    AMPA Receptor 抑制剂
    Aniracetam是一种安非他命,属于消旋体化学类别的促智药,据称比吡乙酰胺更有效。 了解更多

14 个项目

