“angiotensin receptors”的搜索结果

17 个项目


  1. MHP 133

    Catalog No. A20058
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    AChE /M1/M2/5HT4/I2 inhibitor
    MHP 133 is a drug with multiple CNS targets, and inhibits acetylcholinesterase (AChE) with Ki of 69 μM; also active against muscarinic M1 and M2 receptors, serotonin 5HT4 receptors, and imidazole I2 receptors. 了解更多
  2. Minodronic acid

    Catalog No. A21975
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    purinergic P2X2/3 receptors antagonist
    Minodronic acid (YM-529) is an antagonist of purinergic P2X2/3 receptors involved in pain. 了解更多
  3. Gaboxadol hydrochloride

    Catalog No. A21730
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    GABAA receptors agonist
    Gaboxadol hydrochloride (Lu 02-030 hydrochloride) is a selective agonist at GABAA receptors that contain α4-δ subunits, and has anxiolytic and sedative effects. 了解更多
  4. Anisodamine

    Catalog No. A18215
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    alpha-1 adrenergic receptors / mAChRs inhibitor
    Anisodamine is an inhibitor of alpha-1 adrenergic receptors and mAChRs isolated from Chinese solanacea plant. 了解更多
  5. Cangrelor Tetrasodium

    Catalog No. A17919
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    P2Y12 receptors inhibitor
    Cangrelor Tetrasodium is a high-affinity, reversible inhibitor of P2Y12 receptors that causes almost complete inhibition of ADP-induced platelet aggregate. It is a modified ATP derivative stable to enzymatic degradation. Unlike clopidogrel (Plavix), which is a prodrug, cangrelor is an active drug not requiring metabolic conversion. 了解更多
  6. NS11394

    Catalog No. A21425
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    GABA(A) receptor modulator
    NS11394 is a potent and subtype-selective GABA(A) receptor-positive modulator; possesses a functional efficacy selectivity profile of alpha(5) > alpha(3) > alpha(2) > alpha(1) at GABA(A) alpha subunit-containing receptors. 了解更多
  7. Ifenprodil tartrate

    Catalog No. A16583
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    NMDA receptor antagonist
    Ifenprodil tartrate is the atypical N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, inhibits NMDA-induced currents at NR1A/NR2B receptors with high affinity (IC50 = 0.34 μM). 了解更多
  8. RWJ-51204

    Catalog No. A12875
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    partial agonist of GABA(A) receptor
    RWJ-51204 is a partial agonist of GABA(A) receptor, with Ki of 0.2-2 nM to the benzodiazepine site on GABA(A) receptors. 了解更多
  9. Baclofen

    Catalog No. A18248
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    GABA agonist
    Baclofen is a GABA agonist specific for GABA-B receptors. Baclofen is a synthetic chlorophenyl-butanoic acid derivative used to treat spasms due to spinal cord damage and multiple sclerosis, muscle-relaxing It acts at spinal and supraspinal sites, reducing excitatory transmission. 了解更多
  10. Cevimeline hydrochloride

    Catalog No. A18092
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    mAChR agonist
    Cevimeline (Evoxac) Hcl is a parasympathomimetic and muscarinic agonist, with particular effect on M3 receptors; used in the treatment of dry mouth associated with sjogren's syndrome. 了解更多
  11. Afloqualone

    Catalog No. A17276
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    GABA receptor agonist
    Afloqualone, also known as HQ-495, is a centrally acting muscle relaxant. Afloqualone inhibits vestibular nystagmus probably due to both inhibition of selective polysynaptic transmission and enhancement of the effects of GABA and glycine in the lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN), and its GABA-enhancing effect is thought to be attributable to the increased sensitivity of GABA receptors of the LVN neuron site. 了解更多
  12. Ro 25-6981 maleate

    Catalog No. A13144
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    NMDA receptors Blocker
    Ro 25-6981是N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体的高亲和力,强效选择性阻断剂。 了解更多
  13. RO 25-6981 maleate

    Catalog No. A16083
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    NMDA receptors blocker
    RO 25-6981 maleate是含有NR2B亚基的NMDA受体的强效和选择性活性依赖性阻断剂。克隆的受体亚基组合NR1C/NR2B和NR1C/NR2A的IC50值分别为0.009和52 uM。 了解更多
  14. Imidafenacin

    Catalog No. A15490
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    M3 receptors 抑制剂
    Imidafenacin是一种有效的选择性M3受体抑制剂,Kb为0.317 nM。对M2受体的效力较低(IC50 = 4.13 nM)。 了解更多
  15. CIQ

    Catalog No. A15523
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    NMDA receptors Potentiator
    CIQ是包含NR2C或NR2D亚基的NMDA受体的亚基选择性增强剂。 了解更多
  16. NVP-AAM077 Tetrasodium Hydrate (PEAQX)

    Catalog No. A14071
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    NMDA receptors 拮抗剂
    NVP-AAM077抑制成年小鼠在脑室下区域和齿状回中的祖细胞增殖,并降低了齿状回中的新生细胞的存活。 了解更多
  17. 2-Hydroxysaclofen

    Catalog No. A13696
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    GABAB receptors 拮抗剂
    2-Hydroxysaclofen对GABAB受体是一种有效的选择性拮抗剂。 了解更多

17 个项目

