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  1. Blarcamesine (AVex-73)

    Catalog No. A21095
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    muscarinic M1 agonist
    Blarcamesine, also known as AVex-73 and AE-37, is a muscarinic M1 agonist potentially for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. It is an σ receptor ligand. 了解更多
  2. Pridopidine

    Catalog No. A22009
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    D2R antagonist
    Pridopidine, a dopamine (DA) stabilizer, acts as a low affinity dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) antagonist. 了解更多
  3. Calcitriol Impurities D

    Catalog No. A20825
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    impurity of Calcitriol
    Calcitriol Impurities D is the impurity of Calcitriol, Calcitriol is the hormonally active form of vitamin D, Calcitriol is the active metabolite of vitamin D3 that activates the vitamin D receptor (VDR). 了解更多
  4. D-Alanine

    Catalog No. A20822
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    GlyR/PMBA agonist
    D-Alanine is a weak GlyR (inhibitory glycine receptor) and PMBA agonist, with an EC50 of 9 mM for GlyR. 了解更多
  5. (RS)-MCPG

    Catalog No. A20818
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    group I/group II mGluR antagonist
    (RS)-MCPG is a non-selective group I/group II metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist. 了解更多
  6. E4CPG

    Catalog No. A20804
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    group I/group II mGluR antagonist
    E4CPG is a novel group I/group II metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist, more potent than (RS)-MCPG . 了解更多
  7. GSK2798745

    Catalog No. A20799
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    TRPV4 ion channel blocker
    GSK2798745 is a first-in-class, highly potent, selective, orally active transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) ion channel blocker with IC50s of 1.8 and 1.6 nM for hTRPV4 and rTRPV4, respectively. 了解更多
  8. ERB-196

    Catalog No. A20771
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    ERβ agonist
    ERB-196 is a nonsteroidal selective estrogen receptor-β (ERβ) agonist. 了解更多
  9. WAY-204688

    Catalog No. A20757
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    NF-κB inhibitor
    WAY-204688 is an estrogen receptor (ER-α) selective, orally active inhibitor of NF-κB transcriptional activity with an IC50 of 122?±?30 nM for NF-κB-luciferase (NF-κB-luc) in HAECT-1 cells. 了解更多
  10. MB-07344

    Catalog No. A20748
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    TR-β agonist
    MB-07344 is a thyroid hormone receptor (TR)-β agonist with a binding affinity Ki of 2.17 nM. 了解更多
  11. GSK180736A

    Catalog No. A20736
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    GRK2 inhibitor
    GSK180736A is a G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) inhibitor with an IC50 of 0.77 μM. 了解更多
  12. Fezolinetant

    Catalog No. A20706
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    NK3R antagonist
    Fezolinetant is an antagonist of the neurokinin 3 receptor (NK3R), used for the treatment of menopausal hot flushes. 了解更多
  13. Terbogrel

    Catalog No. A20705
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    thromboxane A2 synthase inhibitor
    Terbogrel is an orally available thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist and a thromboxane A2 synthase inhibitor, with both IC50s of about 10 nM. 了解更多
  14. Elisartan

    Catalog No. A20697
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    Elisartan is an orally active non-peptide pro-drug of angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonist HN-12206, and shows anti-hypertension activities. 了解更多
  15. Setmelanotide

    Catalog No. A20689
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    MC4R agonist
    Setmelanotide (RM-493; BIM-22493; IRC-022493) is a selective melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) agonist with EC50s of 0.27 nM and 0.28 nM for human and rat MC4R, respectively. 了解更多
  16. 1-BCP

    Catalog No. A20672
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    memory-enhancing agent
    1-BCP is a centrally active drug that modulates AMPA receptor gated currents. 1-BCP is a memory-enhancing agent. 了解更多
  17. ITX5061

    Catalog No. A20651
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    p38 MAPK inhibitor
    ITX5061 is a type II inhibitor of p38 MAPK and also an antagonist of scavenger receptor B1 (SR-B1). 了解更多
  18. CCR2-RA-[R]

    Catalog No. A20644
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    CCR2 antagonist
    CCR2-RA-[R] is an allosteric antagonist of the C-C chemokine receptor type 2 (CCR2) with an IC50 of 103 nM. 了解更多
  19. NRC-2694

    Catalog No. A20643
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    EGFR antagonist
    NRC-2694 is an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) antagonist with anti-cancer and anti-proliferative properties. 了解更多
  20. Saroglitazar

    Catalog No. A20636
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    PPAR agonist
    Saroglitazar is a novel peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) agonist with predominant PPARα and moderate PPARγ activity with EC50 values of 0.65 pM and 3 nM in HepG2 cells, respectively. 了解更多
  21. Calcitriol Impurities A

    Catalog No. A20633
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    Calcitriol Impurities A is the impurity of Calcitriol, Calcitriol is the hormonally active form of vitamin D, Calcitriol is the active metabolite of vitamin D3 that activates the vitamin D receptor (VDR). 了解更多
  22. BCTC

    Catalog No. A20623
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    TRPM8 inhibitor
    BCTC is a potent and specific inhibitor of transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 8 (TRPM8) in prostate cancer (PCa) DU145 cells. 了解更多
  23. Azeliragon

    Catalog No. A20622
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    RAGE inhibitor
    Azeliragon (TTP488) is an orally bioavailable inhibitor of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) in development as a potential treatment to slow disease progression in patients with mild Alzheimer??s disease (AD). Azeliragon also can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). 了解更多
  24. RN-1747

    Catalog No. A20615
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    TRPV4 agonist
    RN-1747 is a selective transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 4 (TRPV4) agonist, with EC50 values are 0.77 μM, 4.0 μM and 4.1 μM for hTRPV4, mTRPV4 and rTRPV4 respectively. RN-1747 also antagonizes TRPM8, with an IC50 of 4 μM. 了解更多
  25. W146

    Catalog No. A20580
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    S1PR1 antagonist
    W146 is a selective antagonist of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1PR1) with an EC50 value of 398 nM. 了解更多
  26. CFMTI

    Catalog No. A20567
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    mGluR 1 allosteric antagonist
    CFMTI is a potent and selective metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) 1 allosteric antagonist with IC50 of 2.6 nM. 了解更多
  27. FTIDC

    Catalog No. A20554
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    mGluR 1 antagonist
    FTIDC is an orally active, noncompetitive, selective allosteric metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) 1 antagonist with an IC50 of 5.8 nM for human mGluR1a. 了解更多
  28. (S)-MCPG

    Catalog No. A20549
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    group I/group II mGluR antagonist
    (S)-MCPG is the active isomer of (RS)-MCPG (Cat. No. HY-100371), non-selective group I/group II metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist. 了解更多
  29. GSK682753A

    Catalog No. A20519
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    EBI2 inverse agonist
    GSK682753A is a selective and highly potent inverse agonist of the epstein-barr virus-induced receptor 2 (EBI2) with an IC50 of 53.6 nM. 了解更多
  30. Mivotilate

    Catalog No. A20504
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    AhR activator
    Mivotilate is a nontoxic, potent activator of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), and acts as a hepatoprotective agent. 了解更多
  31. MSOP

    Catalog No. A20495
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    group III mGluR antagonist
    MSOP is a selective group III metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist with apparent KD of 51 μM for the L-AP4-sensitive presynaptic mGluR. 了解更多
  32. Agmatine sulfate

    Catalog No. A20485
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    NO synthase inhibitor
    Agmatine sulfate exerts modulatory action at multiple molecular targets, such as neurotransmitter systems, ion channels and nitric oxide synthesis. It is an endogenous agonist at imidazoline receptor and a NO synthase inhibitor. 了解更多
  33. CCR2 antagonist 3

    Catalog No. A20467
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    CCR2 antagonist
    CCR2 antagonist 3 is a chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) antagonist. 了解更多
  34. (-)-(S)-Equol

    Catalog No. A20465
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    (-)-(S)-Equol is a high affinity ligand for estrogen receptor β with a Ki of 0.73 nM. 了解更多
  35. Trifarotene

    Catalog No. A20458
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    RAR agonist
    Trifarotene (CD5789) is a retinoic acid receptor (RAR) agonist with Kdapp of 2, 15 and 500 nM for RARγ, RARβ and RARα, respectively. 了解更多
  36. TCS-OX2-29

    Catalog No. A20457
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    OX2R antagonist
    TCS-OX2-29 is a potent, high affinities and selective orexin-2 receptor (OX2R) antagonist with an IC50 value of 40 nM and a pKI value of 7.5. TCS-OX2-29 displays ~250-fold selectivity for OX2 over OX1. 了解更多
  37. RG13022

    Catalog No. A20455
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    tyrosine kinase inhibitor
    RG13022 is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor; inhibits the autophosphorylation reaction of the EGF receptor with an IC50 of 4 μM. 了解更多
  38. ZL006

    Catalog No. A20443
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    nNOS/PSD-95 interaction inhibitor
    ZL006 is a potent inhibitor of nNOS/PSD-95 interaction, and inhibits NMDA receptor-mediated NO synthesis. 了解更多
  39. WAY-200070

    Catalog No. A20442
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    ERRβ agonist
    WAY-200070 is a selective estrogen receptor β (ERRβ) agonist with an IC50 of 2.3 nM. 了解更多
  40. Nitromifene

    Catalog No. A20417
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    ER antagonist
    Nitromifene is an antagonist of estrogen receptor (ER). 了解更多
  41. LXRβ agonist-2

    Catalog No. A20405
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    LXRβ agonist
    LXRβ agonist-2 is a highly potent and β-selective liver X receptor (LXRβ) agonist with EC50 of 7 nM, displays 28.5-fold selectivity over LXRα (EC50=200 nM) and used in the treatment of atherosclerosis. 了解更多
  42. HCH6-1

    Catalog No. A20395
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    FPR1 antagonist
    HCH6-1 is a competitive antagonist of Formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1), an emerging therapeutic target for the discovery of drugs to treat neutrophilic inflammatory diseases. 了解更多
  43. BMS-986020

    Catalog No. A20393
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    LPA1 antagonist
    BMS-986020 is a high-affinity lysophosphatidic acid receptor 1 (LPA1) antagonist. 了解更多
  44. Adenosine antagonist-1

    Catalog No. A20383
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    AA3R antagonist
    Adenosine antagonist-1 is an adenosine A3 receptor (AA3R) antagonist. 了解更多
  45. Fisogatinib

    Catalog No. A20354
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    FGFR4 inhibitor
    Fisogatinib (BLU-554) is a potent, highly selective and orally active fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 (FGFR4) inhibitor with an IC50 of 5 nM. 了解更多
  46. 5-HT1A modulator 1

    Catalog No. A20319
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    5-HT1A modulator
    5-HT1A modulator 1 displays very high affinities for the 5HT1A, adrenergic α1 and dopamine D2 receptor with IC50s of 2 ±0.3 nM, 10 ± 3 nM and 40 ±9 nM, respectively. 了解更多
  47. CNS-5161 hydrochloride

    Catalog No. A20308
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    NMDA ion-channel antagonist
    CNS-5161 hydrochloride is a novel NMDA ion-channel antagonist that interacts with the NMDA receptor/ion channel site to produce a noncompetitive blockade of the actions of glutamate. 了解更多
  48. Azelaprag

    Catalog No. A20257
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    Azelaprag (Example 263.0) is an apelin receptor agonist drug candidate. 了解更多
  49. KDR-in-4

    Catalog No. A20219
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    KDR/VEGFR2 inhibitor
    KDR-in-4 is a potent kinase insert domain-containing receptor (KDR/VEGFR2) inhibitor with an IC50 of 7 nM. 了解更多
  50. SSTR5 antagonist 1

    Catalog No. A20218
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    SSTR5 antagonist
    SSTR5 antagonist 1 is a potent, selective, and orally available somatostatin receptor subtype 5 (SSTR5) antagonist with IC50s of 9.6 and 57 nM for hSSTR5 and mSSTR5, respectively. (Compound 25a). 了解更多

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